Paying it forward: The BMW

This past Monday, I spent part of my afternoon at the place that we have any mechanical or maintenance work done on my brother's vehicle. On that day, I was there while the mechanic did an oil change and fixed the muffler bracket which had broke a couple of weeks before. While sitting there, the roll-back truck came in with a black car on it, and out of the cab of the truck climbed three younger men, all three were close-to or in their early 30s. The car: a BMW. As I sat their listening, the car which they had borrowed to make the trip from New York City to upstate (Rochester, perhaps) to attend a friend's funeral, had (on their return trip that day) gotten a flat tire. Since the car was registered with AAA...the service station had been called to 'rescue' the car. The owner and the gal that works there, began doing a search to find a tire to replace the one on the BMW since they did not have a tire of that size...sounds easy enough. But each and every phone c...