A new day...a new beginning

dawn skies...March 12, 2012

I started this the other day, but got somewhat side-tracked...which ended-up being a good thing! In just a few days time...I've taken many photos...all to celebrate a new day...a new beginning...of Spring.

Although it's not yet officially "Spring" yet, we have been enjoying days of 70°F. (plus) temperatures, lovely, sunny yet balmy Spring days. In the past few days, I've watched as crocuses and Rhubarb have worked their way through the soil.

Crocuses peeking through the soil
Rhubarb making a debut

As I walked around the yard, I looked up to see that the trees were really starting to bud.

buds developing on a tree

a closer view...see the smidge of green! 
I rounded the corner of the house to find a gorgeous crocus already in bloom...

such a beautiful shade of purple

standing as stately as it can in the flower bed

Later in the morning, I took the camera back out when I saw a bird in another tree, singing its song...

For what or whom it sang...but it was delightful

maybe it was singing its joy at Spring!

The next morning, when I got up and it finally turned daylight out, I was able to see that rain drops still clung to branches on a tree.

such simple things give me such pleasure
drops of life...

even this tree is budding

Today, I went out to see what else had changed...and the flower bed where the first crocus photos were taken had shown some growth.

In a few days, they have grown another couple of inches

buds developing...soon to bloom
As the day headed into late afternoon, our weather changed as a storm came rolling in...and I was able to catch a few cloud formations that I thought were interesting.

almost looks like smoke rising into the sky

I'm not sure what to make of this one

interesting low the clouds hover over the hill

Spring is here in all the ways that it should be...yet Winter may still try to make its last grab and give us a final reminder of what we had just weeks ago. For me...I love watching the new beginnings of the Spring season...the rebirth. This is my favorite time of year...it energizes me.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I'm loving this early Spring in Michigan too! John & I spent the afternoon walking in two different parks yesterday. WONDERFUL activity in March! We even ate ice cream OUTSIDE last week & had to shoo away MOSQUITOS! Crazy - but I'm lovin' it!!! :-)

    Nice pics! No more winter! It's gone for good! We sent it to Arizona - LOL!!!

    1. I hear you! We've done misc. yard work...well, brother has around here...but yes, I am enjoying this as much as you are! 8 )

      I just heard about Arizona! Holy smokes! Tornadoes too!


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