Unexpected company

Yesterday morning, I was watching TV (a program in ID--Investigation Discovery) when I heard a faint knocking at the door. I wasn't expecting anyone, but got up to see who was here...and it came as no surprise that it was a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses. An older man and woman...Bibles, a fancy leather folder and a carry-all bag in their arms.

Fortunately, the way our house is set up, I saw them through I window before I reached the door and decided right then I was not going to open the door. I have dealt with many of them over the years and I don't like the way they try to force you to listen to their spiel. Try to get a straight-forward answer from them about some more difficult aspects of the Bible...and they talk in circles avoiding the question...because they don't know the answer!

Don't get me wrong here...I don't have a problem with anyone being religious regardless of what religion that might be. What I do have a problem with though, is having people come to my door and trying to convince me that I need to learn about "their" religion, and I certainly don't like having people trying to shove religion down my throat.

Seriously, what is up with that?

Anyway, they stood there on the porch for a good 5-8 minutes, repeatedly knocking on the door and carrying on a conversation between themselves. In the meantime, there was at least one other person sitting in the vehicle, patiently waiting...perhaps for his turn at the next house they stopped at.

Finally though, after missing about 10 minutes of my program...they left. Talk about persistent! The way they stood there and knocked and knocked...you could swear there was an emergency they needed help for. 

Well...maybe it was an emergency: to find another lost soul to bring into their flock.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. You were wise not to open the door - LOL! I never open my door to those people either. Bummer about missing your program though! ;-)


    1. I can't believe these people are so bent on going door-to-door to find people to convert! (Into what though? LOL)

    2. They are not going door to door to convert anyone. they do this since it is a commandment of Jesus Christ. I don't know why people hide away so they don't have to talk to them. They'll gladly put you on the do not call list. At that point they will only visit your home every couple of years to make sure you haven't moved or have changed your mind. People make such a big deal about it. They also don't realize that many basic freedoms that people enjoy in America are because of Jehovah's Witnesses and the battles they fought on your behalf in the courts.

    3. Hi, Kevin. First off, let me apologize to you specifically, because I know that you are a Jehovah Witness, and it is not my intent to disrespect you of all people. Not once have you ever, in my time of knowing you, thrown your religion around but defended your beliefs with integrity.

      I also know a little about this religion to know that they go door to door because it's a commandment of God...as I have had friends in the past that were of the same religion, as well as had lengthy discussions with a couple of different sets of people that came to my door years and years ago.

      My issue is that the ones that do come to the door anymore are very pushy and they don not like taking no for an answer. They try very hard to push the issue, as well as wanting to leave behind their Watch Tower brochures...some of which I have read.

      I did not know about the rest that you mentioned...that's interesting though!

    4. No need to apologize at all. Most people are of the opinion that JWs want to convert them, they don't at all. The Bible tells us that it is not us that brings people to a knowledge of the truth, but Jehovah God. Those who are right hearted will be drawn by God Himself. That does not come from us, that is from the Bible. Yes, I do defend my faith, but I do not defend Him, he doesn't need me to do that. We have two main messages when we knock on your door. First that His Kingdom is at hand, and second, to let people know His name as stated in Psalm 83:18. If some of us are getting a little more aggressive it is because of recent prophecies being fulfilled that show us that time is running out.

    5. It's not just JH getting more aggressive though, my daughter is Pentecostal and she's been after me to turn back to God/Jesus but I have my reasons why I won't. At least not yet. (And if I did except God into my life again, it would not be her religion either...long story there.)

      I do believe in a higher power and am spiritual...but I have to do things in my own way and time...even if time is running out.

    6. JW's are bascially programmed to say certain things. They practice their speech and go through various answers to what typical people will say back to them. If you slam the door or shout at them to get out you do them a favor. They believe you have persecuted them and use it as a testimony to Jehovah.

      Being that I know a bit about them the only thing I want them to do is 'think' for themselves and not what the Watchtower tells them to beleive. Sometimes just plain common sense can do it. I.E. the 144000, if they are going to heaven and I am not elect why do I want to stay on the Earth? And if hell doesn't exist than what is the point of becoming JW? I would either be a JW, on one hand, or I would be a nothing since my soul would cease to exist. This is the comedic aspect of it. Otherwise if I want to be more serious I have a certain road I go to which I will not elaborate with this post.

      7th day adventist have a tendency to do such things as well. They like to give out a book about the number of the beast and beat it into your head through the raising of the voice that IT IS TRUE!!

      JW (my intials, I am not a Jehovah Witness)

    7. Hi, JW...I knew that your initials didn't mean anything else! 8 )

      I could go crazy with comparing beliefs between Christian religions...but there is no point, I think we already know that each has their own ideas/ideals. Thanks for your input though!!!


    8. JW...why would you want to stay on earth? The main reason would be that God made it as a home for us and as the Bible puts it..."to reside upon it forever."

  2. Skyangel

    Does your daughter every explain to you why she says what she says other than just saying it? Pentecostal tend to get into an emotional frenzy over salvation and God without balancing the words of the bible to show people what message they refer. I liken them to having the show of spirit but lacking the discernment to understand when something is of God vs they own silliness. Does that make sense?


    1. I'm going to abbreviate the story a little to explain her beliefs...

      She married a man who is how do I put this..very/extremely religious. He is the driving force behind what she believes and how she herself has interpreted the Bible. He has done much of the interpreting to her about different points of the Bible...to the point that she is brainwashed. (I do get what you mean though.)

      Like I said, it's along story...

    2. He uses the Bible to manipulate her.

    3. Yep, I do understand what you are saying. I have always told those in Pentecostal circles that if they cannot love the unlovely and in the process share the truth of Jesus with them then they are nothing. All of the things they teach outside of the gospel are nothing but noise. I.e. dancing before God, speaking in other tongues, prophesy and so forth. If you cannot love your fellow man then you deceive yourself by thinking you have the Love of God within you. You only have yourself.

      I used to go to pentecostal churches until a series of events happened to me and I backed up from it in order to get a better balance of God in my own life and away from the 'circus' of it all. That is my opinion though.


    4. I do understand, JW.

      My ex-step daughter...my daughter's half-sister...and I were talking a while back and she said that what my daughter has been 'taught' isn't how their religion really is. She too is Pentecostal.

      Having been raised in both a Catholic and Protestant home, what my daughter has told me/preached to me is so very different than what I learned...that I just am speechless at times. Fortunately though...she's never gone into speaking in Tongues...if I spelled that right.

      Don't get me wrong here....I love her to pieces and she is my only daughter...but I am totally at lost at how lost she is within her beliefs.

    5. It is with Jehovah's witnesses as with believers in any other religion: they took leave of their brains.

      Religion, all religion, is highly dangerous for one very important reason (obviously, among others): it teaches people to believe that which is untrue. As a result, people no longer have a frame of reference in which they can function. As a consequence, they cling to their religion even more, and they become more unhinged still. It's just so sad

    6. I still have a hard time with the whole religion thing, and sadly it is costing me the right to see my grandchildren here in MY home. Somehow...because I am not religious enough, my brother and niece aren't religious enough...we therefore aren't good enough people, I guess.

      Sad...no. For me, it's disgusting that religion is used against me.


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