
I guess I am really shocked at how much disrespect there is in the world anymore. It doesn't seem to be against any one person, age, race, or the places they live, or work, it's just everywhere. And it's disgusting. 

I know that at my 64 years of age, I am biased, but I was brought up to respect everyone and to try to NEVER disrespect anyone. Yet every day, I am, we are, being disrespected by neighbors. 

From the day they moved in 2 yrs ago (+/-), we have had incident after incident of their dogs, turkeys and even chickens, coming into our yard from their property across the road. We watched while their turkeys and chickens were taken out by vehicles and through predation. Luckily,  none of the then 3 dogs had gotten hit.

From the get-go, myself and my boyfriend's sister let them know they had to keep their pets under control. Opening a door and letting them run loose isn't keeping them under control. We let them know that if our dog (Diego) attacked theirs, while he was in his own yard, it's not our fault. Did they heed the warnings? 


So now there are 4 dogs. This fourth dog has a bad habit of wandering into my boyfriend's sister's yard, scaring her when she's outside carrying her tiny dog. Enough is just enough. The dog warden gave these neighbors a warning. Their dogs are being tied up now.

Then...comes the loud music. So loud, in fact, that we can hear it over our tvs, and it echoes up and down this valley. Their choice of music isn't exactly neighbor-friendly, either. Few 60 yr olds enjoy rap or even Eminem. LOL (And yes, I know the difference because I do like some Eminem and Alternative rock, and the newer country music...thanks to my kids!)

Anyways, there's nothing we can do about the music. Not until after 11 p.m.

Disrespect or are they being spiteful? 

You be the judge.


  1. Wow, how miserable to have neighbors like that! I know the people who bought the house next to us a few years ago are a real pain. Very disrespectful. So far this year things have been okay though. We'll see as summer progresses if they keep to their side of the property lines! On occasion they are loud late at night when they have people over, but that's not been too often. Luckily, they have no animals! So at least we don't have to deal with that! Hope things eventually get better for you guys! Maybe they'll move somewhere else - there's always hope! LOL


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