"Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country." — Anaïs Nin Back years ago, as I started really getting into keeping my journals I read a book titled, "The New Diary" by Tristine Rainer with a foreword by Anaïs Nin, that gave me the encouragement that I needed to begin my process of journalling to work my way through my past toward healing and understanding...to find the "me" beyond the mother, wife, friend, and any other titles that I may have went by. Much of what I learned was that journalling can take on many simple forms, that there are no strict forms to go by. A journal can contain, lists, sketches, doodling, anything that helps to get you from one place to another. My own journals took the form of writing down my days, not only the physical things I do but more-so my emotions and feelings. I "talked" to my journals as if they were a...