Birdfeeder diaries: May 31, 2012: Hummingbirds
May 4th...up before the hummingbirds arrived One of my favorite birds is the hummingbird. I have loved watching these tiny birds for as long as I can remember, and the one thing I always do is get a feeder put up before they are due back from their migration south. They are a tricky little bird to get photos of, and my frustration mounted through much of May, as it seems like every time I tried...and "almost" got a photo...they were gone again. I think that what eventually helped was my being on the back deck, where the feeder is located, so often that they became accustomed to my presence. But only if I didn't make any sudden movements. Finally...on May 20th, I managed to get my first shots of one, it was a female who didn't seem to be intimidated by my presence at all. She came often, as you will see in the following photos... May 20th, 5:42 a.m...I was ready with my camera! She moved around the feeder to another 'flower' Sipping ...