Unusual November weather

November 29, 2011...taken at 8 a.m. (59°F.)

November is usually a month where we, in the Northeastern part of the U.S., see a cooling down of temperatures and would have seen some snowfall by now...even if it didn't stay. However, this year, it's been a lot warmer than usual  and we haven't seen more than a dusting of snow...twice. (I will not complain!)

From our 1st snow...barely more than a dusting
Our first snow came down fast and hard...then tapered off, leaving a slight coating on the grass as pictured above. By dark, it had all melted.

The beginning of our next snow storm 11/17

The next storm dumped a little more snow on us...probably about half an inch that lasted until the next day. Though it's not unusual for it to melt back off...we have in the past seen more than this for snow totals.

A white out...you can barely see the traffic on the highway

I looked like we were really going to get some snow...it came down hard, literally blowing in and covering everything.

 It did start to accumulate on the railings on our porch and steps...

November, overall, has remained a very warm month for us, with only a few cold days that hovered around the 30°F. mark. The rest of the time, the temps have remained in the mid-to-high 40s and lower 60s.  

Pretty unusual weather and I am sure the deer hunters are hating the fact that tracking any deer is pretty much out of the question!  Me--I'd say that it's more sporting...giving those deer a better chance!  (Sorry guys!) 

With November almost done...and we are expecting snow showers tomorrow...I can only wonder what December will bring. 


  1. We got snow two nights ago. It is still around today. I guess Winter has come to stay in Michigan now. Boo hooo!!! But it has been a very, very warm November up until the last couple days.

    No one in my family got deer this year except my brother who only got ONE (he always gets TWO big deer!) very small deer. Bummer! John hasn't gone out yet. He wants to go to his friend's ranch with his new bow sometime...

  2. Cold weather and no snow here...yet. We had a heavy frost last night and when I got up, it was 30 degrees at 3:45 a.m.

    My brother has gotten two deer, a buck and a doe...but no one seems to be getting a lot of them here either for some reason.


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