The geese

My new friends...3/31/12

It's surprising that growing up on a farm and having lived a good share of my life rurally, that I never had the chance to watch any geese, except those honking-through over head. This year, in the last month, that changed with a pair of geese that decided they liked the field behind my house to feed.

Like clockwork, they showed up twice daily, once about 8 a.m. and then again about 5 p.m. They always landed in the middle of the I really had to push my camera to the limit to get photos of them.




It was really hard to catch them both in the same photo...they like to wander apart yet not too far from each other.



I have no idea which is which as far as the gender, but I have pretty much figured out the the one that 'talks' the most is likely the male. (LOL)


4/6/12 adventured closer to the yard...4/6/12

As you can see...I was able to get many photos of the pair. I tried to get them in various stances, coming and going as well as eating.


This one was getting noisy because I started into
the field to get a better photo!  4/8/12
They are a pretty bird, even if in some places they are a nuisance. There is a swamp across the road and behind a brush lot where a big flock pretty much lives there year around, but these are the only two that venture to the field. Curious.






This one is being mouthy...again!  4/10/12
The 10th was the last day that I saw them, and I started to get worried that something happened to them. Every now and then, I hear shots being fired, but beyond the swamp is a shooting range...and you never know whether it's someone practicing or actually 'hunting'.

Yesterday...finally...I heard the familiar honking and was able to see one land in the field...but it was alone. For several minutes, it seemed to call and call...but no others responded or came. 



I felt so bad for this one...I have no idea if the other is sitting on a nest...or...something did happen to it. I am hoping that maybe they will both come back...time will tell. 

Who knows...maybe the entire family will come for a picnic in the field! I'd love to see their babies!

Anyways, thanks for stopping by!


  1. I'll take him out of his misery and make me a nice goose stew :). Yeah, I know that sounds so cruel but do you know how long I've been wanting to stew one of those birds? I am sure it will be tasty :)

    Well, I hope he won't be alone for too much longer, lol.

    1. LOL Marg! Let me tell should see the size of these geese! HUGE! It would make you a meal for a week, prolly! 8 )

      I don't know enough about these birds to know if maybe momma bird is nesting or what. That's what I am hoping anyways.

    2. That doesn't sound good that if it's the same goose that you saw as a pair before, that it's alone now. I'd think it wouldn't be calling for its mate if it knew where the mate is. Sad! But let us know if the pair shows up again - however, you probably couldn't tell if it was the same pair! They all look alike unless you've had them close by as pets! Sorry!


    3. I'm sure I'd enjoy my goose stew for days :)

      Hopefully mama is nesting and you'll see her with her brood soon, if not maybe she became a meal for some hungry animal or worse - a human. :) Just sayin'. I know, I'm baaaad, lol.

    4. Laura...I am guess that it is the same pair as I have never seen more than one pair in the field. However...yesterday, there were 3 geese in the field together which sure confused me as I have never seen that many before out there! So--I am hoping all is well!

      Marg...I have no idea if the which birds were which out there...but two ate together while one stood off to the if keeping watch. Don't know if they behave like that or not though!


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